
Good! Great! Grand! Wonderful!

This is my first post on what will hopefully become a daily read for some people.
I've been reading blogs for almost two years, and, oddly enough, my mom beat me to creating one.

Basically what I'm looking for in this is a place to stick my opinion in your face, and maybe rearrange said face in the process. I encourage comments of all other opinions, but I reserve the right to call you an asshole for no reason other than I think its funny.

I will tell you what to watch, what to eat, what to drink, and what to read.

And, if you don't like it, as a wise man named "Dick" Cheney said: "Fuck Yourself."

update: removed one link that was requested by the link-ee.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Welcome to blogging, Karl. Where did you get that name--kind of hard to remember (or type). [That's why I love bookmarks!] Enjoyed your links, though. However, please don't get TOO objectionable, language-wise--you don't want to be the first of the family bloggers to be kicked off the Net. I'd still like to see you do some movie reviews--not just link to other people's stuff.--MOM

10:52 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, yeah, right. Livejournal's not good enough for you, is it? ;)

Welcome to blogging, bro! - bridget

3:05 PM  
Blogger K said...

Mom fancies herself a critic, no?
As I warned, I will probably be offensive, especially language-wise, but I intend to keep the content clean.
And I will review movies, just not in a typical way (I guess).
And I will link to sites that advance my point of view better than I can, or help to reinforce it.
Any tips are appreciated though!
Thanks Mom!

7:45 PM  

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