
Ich bin ein Expert

Well, I'm sorry for all of you who are continuing to check this blog and not seeing anything, but I just don't have the consistent internet connection I used to have. So, just to set your beautiful little minds at ease, I AM FINE. I have been working full time at a local Whole Foods for over a month now, and am on the verge of escaping a huge financial brouhaha. Heh, funny word. So anyway things are going quite well aside from the money thing and I should be back to normal in a coupla months. I've also been dating a wonderful girl in about the same amount of time as the job, and that is obviously going well too.

Yvo's wedding was quite definitely the best I've been to so far, and France was great. Something about short ceremonies, good people, and lots of wine makes me like weddings. The travel was alittle stressful, but me and mom survived with only a small amount of the usual family travel 'incidents.' It seems to be proportional to the number of us on any one trip at any given time.

Oh, and I somehow didn't realize that Cointreau is 80 proof.... til the next morning. Fun.

So I will hopefully update alittle more often for all of you who are dying to know what the hell's up with me but are too lazy to call me.

K out.