
Slowly but Sho'ly

So for those of you who haven't heard, I was in a bike accident a coupla weeks ago that resulted in a pretty severe shoulder injury. My initial reaction was "ow." The next day, I was questioning whether I would be able to do any of my jobs, much less play drums for the Bears again.

Well, things are gradually getting better. I have full mobility back, though still pretty restricted on lifting things in certain ways. I ice down my shoulder at least once a day to relieve some of the aches and pains of everyday functioning and take some Advil to help even more. Yesterday was my first drumline rehearsal since the accident, and things went pretty well. Despite not practicing for two weeks, I was able to play everything (with some discomfort) until the end of the rehearsal, when a certain part that we kept repeating put my arm in its most uncomfortable position for a long time and I eventually had to 'tap out.'

Still progress is being made and I will hopefully be fully recovered within a month or two.



What a Change

Wow today started out gorgeous and warm, topping out at 84 degrees, then around 10:30 or 11, BAM! 45 and windy. Seriously, it was almost instantaneous.

Out of curiosity, I checked out WGN's weather blog. Its pretty good.

Off to sleep....



Poor Kitty

On Monday, a COUGAR!!!!!! was shot in Roscoe Village. This is about half a mile from where I sit right now, and half a block(!)from the Jimmy Johns I used to work at. It would've be nice if they could've tranq'd it instead, but hey, this is Chicago, and Roscoe Village has a notoriously large quantity of strollers being pushed through it everyday. In other news, a few blocks away (on the same day) a bank was robbed, which is even funnier since it is pretty much kitty corner (no pun intended) from the local police station and courthouse.

That guy got away, but the cute little 122lb kitty-cat was gunned down in an alley.



What a Dick

John McCain is a Dick.

So is Barack Obama.



The Speech

OK, its been awhile since I've posted, but this is something that needs to be spread.
Being a Chicago resident (for 5 years now??? wow...) and decidedly not republican, I fully support Barack Obama for President. This speech may be 40 minutes long, but it is worth every minute. While I hold my own political beliefs and don't belong to any party, this guy is the best candidate we've had for president in decades. No other candidate I have ever seen in my experience of politics is able to not only hold values close to my own but to express them rhetorically in a clear, honest, and inspirational way. He doesn't talk down to people like Bush does, and he is a bonafide Leader. I may not agree with him on everything, but this speech sealed the deal on who I'm voting for.

And, Since I'm expected to be considered a dupe, here's some good ole propaganda for ya:

And some more:

and yet more.....

That last one wasn't real. Just checking to see if you were paying attention.

ok, I'm done now....



There is No Spoon....BORK BORK BORK!!!!!



nothing much going on... well, in terms of massive excitement. I'm working, surfin the internets, working out, eating a little healthier, and looking for more jobs. I'm behind on alot of bills, but I'm trying to catch up. My once-stellar credit rating is gone, unfortunately, but I wasn't looking to buy a house or car anyway. Nothing's on TV now, so I'm not watching as much.... I saw Nacho Libre yesterday....not that great. I also rented Chicken Little. It was pretty bad until halfway through, where it got really crazy and was quite funny. But still a little too sappy. Well, I have a bachelor party (for Schmuck) and other crazy shit to plan right now, so that's it.