
Made It

I am now in Seattle and all went well. For the first time, all my flights were early, and I almost missed my connecting flight in Vegas while having my $7 Whopper meal.

The other K almost got lost, but we made it back to her place OK.

It's nice here. Of course, I have only been her for one hour, but whatever.

I need to get fired more often to be able to take these spur of the moment trips.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Glad you made it safely. Have a good time!!!


6:18 PM  
Blogger Bridget E. Wilde said...

Yeah, that freedom of movement sure is great - until you run out of money. :P

Have a fun visit!


11:53 AM  
Blogger K said...

Thats why K is paying for everything!
She's rich, you know.
Worth more than you can possibly imagine.
("I dunno...I can imagine alot.")

Sorry for the Star Wars ref....

5:09 PM  

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