
One Year

Well, I have now been in Chicago for one full year, having arrived in town one year ago yesterday. At this point in time when I was in LA, I was starting to get a little buyer's remorse, but not yet ready to fly the coop.

After a year in Chicago, I can definitely say that I'm not going anywhere. This town's great! I finally know where things are, I know alot more people, and even though I loathe my apartment, this feels alot more like a home than anywhere I've lived in a long time. Plus, the only natural disasters I have to worry about are extreme heat and extreme cold. No quakes, no hurcs.

I'm also glad I got to go to New Orleans when I did a few years ago, though I wish I could have seen more. Now its reduced to a festering chemical gumbo. Luckily, the one person that I knew that was living there moved to Indy a few years ago. Though I'm willing to bet that this disaster may hit Bridget harder than any of us.


Off to Work I Go

First day....yay.


"Shit Happens"

Long a motto of mine, mostly because of the proclivity of fecal matter to occur in my presence, this was just uttered on NBC news, live, in response to a question posed to Rex Grossman, the Last Hope of the Chicago Bears.

Why did he say it? Because in just the second PRE-season game, he broke his ankle. Less than a year from tearing the ACL in his knee and missing the season. Now he's going to miss another season. Oddly enough, the last injury was also in a dome; maybe we should refuse to play in domes....


on the plus side, I have a job. not enough to support me, but a "foot in the door," so to speak. start next week. Again, keep your eyes crossed.


Overdue Update

Hi all, sorry to take so long to update this blog. Not much has really happened recently, so here's a few quick tidbits of what HAS happened:

- No job yet, but I got a good lead on a German bar. It looks like it may work out so keep your eyes crossed.

- Drumline is going well, our first performance was a bag, but it'll work itself out. It will definitely be a fun NFL season.

- Mom&Dad are probably on a plane right now, and they lent me Mom's car. "Don't get any tickets!" they said. Right after they get out of the car and into the terminal, a cop walks up and gives me a ticket for expired registration/plates. sigh.

- gonna do some recording tonight, and we'll be getting our first paid recording session with someone who wants to record voice for a flash animation assignment for their class. We may have to start a small business soon. I have a couple of tracks that you can listen to, so email me and I'll email out the mp3's. Be wary, they are completely uncensored hip-hop tracks. You have been warned.

- My apartment lease is up at the end of the month, and I currently do not have the capital to move anywhere else. The roommate deal is taking much longer than expected, so I'm not sure what to do. Moving in with Mom&Dad is a possibility, but one that I have no intention of doing, especially since I advised Yvonne against it many, many times. I will soon see about going month-to-month or possibly 6-month on this current one, but I'm not sure how I'll come up with next month's rent until I get a job. I'm sort of in a circular firing line with myself.

that's all for now.