

We had our drawing this weekend, and unfortunately, I won't be playing this Sunday's Bears vs. Panthers game. What you all need to do (in addition to rooting for the Bears to win) is hope that Seattle loses to the Redskins on Saturday. This will give the Bears home field advantage for the NFC Championship game, the winner of which goes to the Super Bowl.

Long story short: Go Bears, Go Redskins.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

What? You want me to root against seattle????


9:34 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry that you lost the draw, so you dont have any seniority rules that would give you an edge in draws like this? I assume you have at least a few weeks on most of the other guys (and girl)!


9:39 AM  
Blogger K said...

Karin - yes. You had your chance all year.

Yvonne - No. Shut up. that's right.

6:14 PM  

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