

I may do a little acting tomorrow for a short film that a Columbia student is making.

Hollywood here I come!

or not....



The Chicago White Sox just won the World Series for the first time in 88 years.

I've just opened my window to the 40degree weather just to listen to the fireworks.

Fuck Texas. All they ever gave us was Vietnam (LBJ) and Iraq (GWB) anyway.

Wait til next year, though....The Cubs'll get it.

And Happy Birthday Karin!!!!! Now your birthday actually means something! :)


Big Surprise

food and beer are interchangeable....

animal jpeg
You are Animal.
You are completely nuts, but fun to be around.

Drums, Women, Food.
Drums, Women, Food.

"Louder!", "Food now!" and
"Want Woman!"

"The Musicians' Guide to Drums, Women &

An appetite.

What Muppet are you?
brought to you by Quizilla


Getting back into the swing of things.....

Tonight was one of those nights that I've been waiting for; to get back to what I really like.

One of the patrons at the bar I usually hang out at, a guy I typically just took for granted as a regular drunk, turns out to be a pianist. And a good one at that. And he is the head of a small organization that seeks to bring New music out.

My kinda stuff.

So when I was at the bar last night, I asked Brandon if there was anything interesting going on in the near future, and he tells me about this show he's performing in. Basically, it consisted of silent films with live music accompaniment. All films were made by Chicagoans and all music was written and performed by Chicagoans (I even knew of few of the people!) All run by this patron, Seth. Excellent, excellent stuff.

The reason I found this to be good beyond pure enjoyment of the program is that it kinda sets my mind back into the set of seeking and creating new and innovative interpretations of sound and sight. I refound the niche that I lost when I left Champaign. Now I just gotta keep it.....



Well, this post isn't as exciting as the Dean Scream in the title, but I'll let you all in on what's going on......Nuffin.

I am working, but business has been slow. I gave my name and info to Small Bar, which I had originally applied at, again. And now that I have "experience," I can at least tell tham I can pour a beer, the rest will come later. So soon I may have two jobs. Which is GREAT. Knock on wood.

Bears Drum Corps is going well, but it is really difficult for me to make it to rehearsals, since I often work on the days they are held.....also they are typically held DURING Bears road games, so I would rather be watching the game than playing drums (not at home games, of course.) I've written some music, but I'm not sure if it will be played, so hopefully it is good enough.

The apartment situation is coming to a head in the next coupla months. I am hoping for sooner rather than later since it would cut my rent in half and enable me to start repaying my debts. Again, knock on wood.

In other news, I went to LensCrafters and, despite how terribly I treat my eyes, they are healthy-ish, with my left eye only dropping a full point and a half in clarity. I still don't know whether I am legally blind yet, but at least I know I don't have glaucoma.

That's all.